Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
194947 Department of Pathology laboratory 1515 Holcombe Blvd Houston, TX 77030
413283 Department of Pathology department Houston, Texas, USA.
151852 Department of Pathology laboratory Villejuif
428666 Department of Pathology laboratory
523852 Department of Pathology department
473780 Department of Pathology laboratory
194049 Department of Pathology laboratory IDIBELL, L'Hospitalet, Catalonia
112359 Department of Pathology laboratory 80621;Munich
235438 Department of Pathology laboratory
44215 Department of Pathology laboratory Turino
547464 Department of Pathology laboratory Torino
497755 Department of Pathology laboratory
111700 Department of Pathology laboratory Frankfurt am Main
73616 Department of Pathology laboratory Nice
447576 Department of Pathology department Barcelona
154264 Department of Pathology laboratory Campus de la UAB Bellaterra;E-08193;Barcelona, Catalonia
160602 Department of Pathology laboratory Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh & DIvision of Pathology university Edinburgh
254250 Department of Pathology laboratory Chicago, IL 60611
184454 Department of Pathology laboratory Reykjavik
192202 Department of Pathology laboratory Reykjavik 101
187684 Department of Pathology laboratory Reykjavik Iceland and Faculty of Medicine, Reykjavik
194092 Department of Pathology laboratory Reykjavik
152893 Department of Pathology laboratory Nantes
116888 Department of Pathology laboratory Rome
173328 Department of Pathology laboratory
1188895 Department of Pathology laboratory
142394 Department of Pathology laboratory
170007 Department of Pathology laboratory 75 Francis Street, Boston, MA 02115
190828 Department of Pathology laboratory Liège
247457 Department of Pathology laboratory
123612 Department of Pathology laboratory 50139;Florence
113486 Department of Pathology laboratory 50100;Florence
160138 Department of Pathology laboratory
1196564 Department of Pathology institution
488541 Department of Pathology department
35056 Department of Pathology laboratory Utrecht
136568 Department of Pathology laboratory 3508 GA;Utrecht
139974 Department of Pathology laboratory
153306 Department of Pathology laboratory 75185;Uppsala